I'm trying to figure out how many man-hours it takes to do a phase 1 - 6 on a UH-1H?
Comments (2)
Jim Inman
Dec 12
That question is a little hard do to each numbered phase is different inspection items. Also you try to accomplish special inspections at the same time like the tail rotor drive and coupling lube inspection, all the shafts are removed (6)
stan slam
Dec 13
Replying to
I served as a CE on the Hueys in Nam.
I am not familujre with this term.
Every 100 hours these would get a big inspection.
The drive line and trunions removed, tail rotor inspected or removed depending on hours.
The Main Drive shaft removed and repacked, On the slicks the oil changed in most places including the rotor hubs.
With a crew of at least 6, the chopper would be ripped apart being worked on on for a minimum of at least a week, and that would be a very fast turnaround!
That question is a little hard do to each numbered phase is different inspection items. Also you try to accomplish special inspections at the same time like the tail rotor drive and coupling lube inspection, all the shafts are removed (6)