UH-1 Maintenance Training Course
Do you have a new mechanic or mechanics that need a refresher course on the UH-1 helicopter? Do you need an IA renewal?
Peter Frinchaboy teaches a FAA approved training course for UH-1 aircraft. Pete can provide training for the whole aircraft or various systems tailored to your request. Pete can travel to your facility and travels worldwide to train UH-1 mechanics. From Pete:
I am an individual not a company. I can provide training for one day, one week or two weeks.
For one day my fee is $360.00 For one week $1800.00, Two weeks $3600.00 ( negotiable ) Plus travel dependent on time and mode of travel, lodging and rental car if necessary.
I have a classroom course which I like to do in conjunction with your aircraft if available. The course will cover Airframe, Landing Gear, Rotor systems Main & Tail, Powertrain, Transmission, intermediate & Tail gearboxes, Engine, Fuel System, Flight Controls, Utility Systems, Basic Electrical System and some After Market Systems
The one day 8 hour course allows me to issue a FAA certified training certificate for the 8 hours good for IA renewal. For training beyond 8 hours no additional certificates are allowed.
For any of the training One Day, One Week or Two Week the FAA Certificate for 8 hours will be issued good for IA renewal.
For one week classroom and your aircraft on whatever your wants or requirements, such as individual components or systems.
Two Weeks same as above with more detail to include any necessary component removal, disassembly, inspection, repair and reassembly.
Call or E-mail me with any questions to include any problems with your aircraft I may be able to help you with.
Peter Frinchaboy
About Peter Frinchaboy: After completing Army UH-1 school at Ft. Eustis, Va. September of 1966, Peter Frinchaboy spent 32 years in the Army / Army National Guard, 27 of those years in the Guard as a full time technician. There he assisted maintaining an average 26 UH-1’s, 6 OH-58’s, 6 AH-1’s and later 6 UH-60’s.
After retirement as a technician and from the Guard, Pete worked at Cal fire for 5 years and went to Mather Aviation for 5 and a half years also as a DME giving orals and practicals to prospective mechanics during that time. After Mather Aviation Pete worked for Sacramento Metro Fire District for 8 years ending 6-30-2018. maintaining the UH-1 fleet.
Peter was the recipient of the Charles Taylor Master Mechanic award in 2017 celebrating 50 years working as an A&P on UH-1 helicopters. UH1OPS would not be the site it is without Peters support and assistance. He has provided articles, resources and much advice to UH-1 operators worldwide through this site, and we will be for ever indebted for his contributions to UH1OPS and the UH-1 Industry. Peter’s contact information is: Cell 916-837-9437
E- mail pfrinchaboy@comcast.net