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UH1 for sale

UH-1H For Sale
Ready to Fly!
UH-1H Huey Helicopter Restricted Category
Make and Model: Bell UH-1H
Year of Manufacture: 1966
Serial Number: 65-09785
Registration: N911BV
Type Certificate Williams
Currently on Auction site, Ends March 12
Are you interested in entering into firefighting contracts? Purchasing this 137 certificate and Huey is perfect for getting the process started. All you need is a Bambi bucket.
The hot end was complete less than two hundred hours ago. The Huey has been installed with a high visibility blade required for Fire Contracts.
Airframe Life remaining: 5635.1
M/R Life remaining: 1751.6 and 1662.8
T/R Blade Life remaining: 300.1 and 137.1
Engine Life remaining: 1052.3
X-ray AD just completed
All ADs, including the current ADs from this last year, are complied with, and Helicopter is fresh out of annual.
Last listed price

UH-1H 1970
Ready to Fly!
Year: 1970
Make: Bell
Model: UH-1H
Serial Number: 70-15707
Registration Number: N75707
Total Time: 8683.8
Type Certificate Holder:
Tamarack Helicopters
Aircraft Location: Alicia, Arkansas
Contact Info: Rick Meeks-
870-886-1999 or 870-759-1864
Email: meeks1964@gmail.com

B E L L T H - 1 F
1 9 6 6
S N 6 6 - 1 2 3 8
T T S N A P P R O X . 9 1 5 0 H R S
R E G I S T R A T I O N N 1 4 M H
Engine: General Electric T58-GE-3 (1,325 SHP)
Engine TBO 2400 hours
Engine TTSO 920 hours
Based in Germany
TH-1F is an instrument and rescue Trainer for the US Air
Force. It is based on the UH-1F and only 26 TH-1F helicopter were built.
$395,000.00 USD (VAT APPLICABLE)
Wolfgang Krombach
-Managing Director-
Invaero GmbH & Co.KG
Am Rübgarten 2
57299 Burbach Germany
Phone: +49 2736 4498602
Mobile: +49 171 330 6866
Sales Flyer

1962 UH-1D
SN: 62-12369
ENGINE T-53 1,400
SHP 852 SMOH / 127 SHSI/
4,104 TT SNEW
N14SD is believed to be the world’s oldest flying UH-1D/H today, with active Vietnam combat hours between 1966 & 1967, followed by active flight school training at Hunter Army Airfield. Fully restored by Northwest Helicopters as a show machine between 2005-2015, this Huey spent time as a movie star and was purchased by Combat Helicopters in 2015, the last 8 years and approximately 700 hours of use have been spent honoring Veterans throughout the Midwest. The nostalgic Huey lives on today, vintage replica Army Green Paint, including symbolic Vietnam markings and armor seats, a custom Garmin Glass Avionic suite brings modernized navigation and enhanced safety to this prolific Vietnam icon. Turn your dream into reality, with many low component times and a freshly overhauled transmission, N14SD is ready for her next adventure!
PRICE $1,295,000

1961 UH-1B
N842M/Serial #61-0763
Garlick Certificate
Aircraft Type: UH-1B/1961 Model
UH-1B 1961 Model, N842M
Serial #61-0763.
We are able to customize any of these helicopters to meet specific requirements concerning major components. Should it be necessary to replace or remove components to achieve a price that suits a budget, we are prepared to make those adjustments. We are open to offers on any of these aircraft.
Mitch Goodmanson
VP of Sales & Customer Support
My Direct Extension and Mobile/SMS is +1 (701) 478-9113

UH-1H For Sale
Ready to Fly!
UH-1H Huey Helicopter Restricted Category
Make and Model: Bell UH-1H
Year of Manufacture: 1964
Serial Number: 64-13560
Registration: N777GH
Total Time 14111.1
LED Strobe Lights
2 G6381E Lead Acid Aircraft Batteries
AAI High Gear Fwd & Aft Crosstubes
Cargo Suspension System
OnBoard System Slip Ring
OnBoard System Load Cell
Cargo Hook Swivel
Dual Cargo Hook Manual Release
Dual Cargo Hook Mirror
BLR Fast Fin & Tailboom Strakes
AAI Locking Gas Cap
Wire Strike Protection System
ADC External Oil Filter
AFS Inlet Barrier Filters
DART T/R Driveshaft Engine Tunnel Cover
Bubble Door with Headrest
DART Adjustable Engine Mounts
Engine: Honeywell T53-L-703
Engine Total Time: 2697.1
Phillip DiFiore or Deanna Keel
at Rotorcraft Support, Inc for details
Phone: (818) 997-7667
Email: phil@rotorcraftsupport.com

ONE UH-1D For Sale
Ready to Fly!
Year 1970
Composite blades very good times remaining Engine . MTU built Lycoming T 53- I-13 B, 1000 KW ( 1400 SHP ) Total Time 10.419 Condition. Overhauled List of components available. Aircraft in flyable condition Located in GERMANY Dismantling and shipping assistance can be provided
In flyable condition just underwent large service I can provide with installed tail blades
Price $698,000 Euros
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Aircraft Interiors
Dirk Sadlowski
Hansastr. 25
59557 Lippstadt
Fon +49 29 41- 94 80 52 2

UH-1 in Belgium
No engine or turbine. Missing transmission and has display rotor mast. Missing tailboom cover. Otherwise 90% complete. Many components still use able and have flight time left.Spare parts included.
Airframe inspected in November 2019 and approved for flight by a Belgian helicopter overhauling company.SN 64-13881
Build as a 64 D model and later rebuild to an H Re-used in German Air Force
Has some Vietnam time. Parts list available if needed.
Some history available.
ID plate removed, I received the ID file when I bought it in Germany.
Comes with un-useable Main rotor blades,
good T/R blades, all restored interior.
includes benches and pilot seat.
No fuel tanks. A lot of the hydraulic system is in place, no pumps.
Good tail boom
Declared good for flight or huey II conversion.
Includes elevators
Last flight in 2014. Stored in dry hangar every since.
Located In Belgium
My contact:

1969 UH-1H
Just a little history, these UH-1's were built under Bell Helicopter license by Dornier (Germany) for the German Armed Forces. They built a total of 352. The "D" in UH-1D stands for Deutsche/Dornier and is not related to the older model UH-1D. This aircraft is actually built closer to a Commercial 205. All the rotable parts (blades, heads, gearboxes, etc...) are OEM Bell Parts. The airframe is unique as the Germans eliminated almost all honeycomb panels on the fuselage and replaced them with aluminum panels which helped fixed the delamination problems and made the fuselage sturdier. All 4 Super Delta helicopters come with composite main rotor blades, new Van Horn Tail Rotor Blades, and all major components have mid-time life or better remaining.
These aircraft can only be used as Public use, Experimental, or Foreign Military and/or Foreign use (outside the U.S.).
Mat Rice
Rice Aircraft Services, Inc.
4509 Skyway Drive
Olivehurst, CA 95961
Off: (530) 741-2901
Cell: (530) 305-2665
Fax: (530) 645-0214

Ex Royal New Zealand Air Force Bell UH-1D/H Helicopter Fleet
This fleet of 10 each UH-1D/H helicopters were operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) for almost 50-years as part of RNZAF 3 Squadron. At the time of retirement from service, 6 ea. of the aircraft were in operational condition and 4 ea. aircraft were being utilized as parts aircraft to support the operational aircraft.
Operational aircraft at time of RNZAF retirement are:
1. UH-1H: NZ3807, S/N: 69-15418
2. UH-1H: NZ3809, S/N: 69-15420
3. UH-1H: NZ3811, S/N: 69-15651
4. UH-1H: NZ3814, S/N: 70-16365
5. UH-1H: NZ3815, S/N: 74-22525
6. UH-1H: NZ3816, S/N: 69-15414
Parts aircraft at time of RNZAF retirement are:
1. UH-1D: NZ3803, S/N: 65-10114
2. UH-1D: NZ3804, S/N: 65-10115
3. UH-1D: NZ3805, S/N: 65-10116
4. UH-1H: NZ3812, S/N: 69-15652
These aircraft have several upgrades incorporated, including the 212 Main Transmission (P/N: 212-040-001-39) and 42-DEG Gearbox (P/N: 212-040-003-23). The tailbooms were also modified with strake kits and Helipro Fin Spar Mod.
The aircraft were partially dismantled for shipping from New Zealand to the USA, but have otherwise been preserved in controlled storage as they were at time of service retirement.
Along with the aircraft, a large inventory of parts, aircraft and engine tooling, test equipment, ground handling equipment, and mission equipment were also acquired from the RNZAF.
Contact Info:
Dakota Air Parts Int’l., Inc.
Email: sales@dakotaairparts.com

1968 UH-1E
1968 UH-1E • $815,000 • AFTT: 4,416.0
; T53-L-13B Engine: 4,009.8 TSN — 33.6 TSO — 2,026 Engine Starts — 6,719 Landings...DART-door modification kit, dual mirror, pulse light kit, high skid gear, fuel purge canister;
Global Vertical Fin Spar
; Mechanical Specialties cargo hook and cargo suspension assembly;
Bear Paws; Fire Extinguisher; ELT; Precise Flight Pulse Light.
Tom Hutson
President | H71, LLC
Direct: 503-347-2290

1967 SW205
Ready to Fly!
Year: 1967
Model: UH-1H/SW205
Serial Number: 67-17233/9431
Registration Number: N911UH
Total Time: 14166
Type Certificate Holder:
South West Florida Aviation
Aircraft Location: Colorado
Component Sheets Inventory docs
-Precise Flight Pulselite Control System (STC SH3319NM) Installed 2007 -Onboard Systems Model E-47B Electronic Load Weighing System (Conformed to STC# SH475NM) -Dual foot pedal manual release System -Van Horne Composite Main Rotor Blades -Van Horne Composite Tail Rotor Blades (STC# SR02051LA) -Dart Aeropspace Ltd. High Cross Tubes -Eagle Copters Ltd. Vertical Reference Door with Duplicate Engine Instruments and Bubble Window. Pro visions for Left Seat Pilot in Command. (STC# SJ92-54) -BLR FastFin System (STC#01470SE) -BLR Dual Tailboom Strakes(STC#SR00929SE) -Global Helicopter Technology Vertical Fin Spar (STC#SR09257RC) -AFS Inlet Barrier Filter System (STC#SR02358CH) -Mechanical Specialties Model UH606 External Airframe Cargo Hook (STC#SR01946SE) -AKV Inc. Cycle Counter (STC#SR02204LA) -Alpine Aerotech Inc. Bear Paw Installation (STC#SR02772NY)
$2.3 Million
Contact Info:
Joseph Cravatt 303-532-7686

Aircraft Model: UH-1H
Engine Model: T53-L-13B
USED: Soundproofing, Battery, Seat Covers, Seat Belts, Fire Extinguisher, Windows
NEW & USED: Main Rotor Blades (NEW) & Tail Rotor Blades (USED)
ALL current applicable AD’s, complied with
Current Annual Inspection Dual Flight Controls
13 Passenger Seating
KAFLEX Main Driveshaft
Space Door (Cargo Door)
Rescue Hoist
140 gal. Aux. Tank
N1/N2 Engine Cycle Counter Cabin Wall/Floor Protector
Click here for Full Document with Component Sheet and many more details
Price 1,200,000.00
Contact Rickey Hilton 863-990-6807

1964 UH-1F w 703 engine
SN: 64-15486
TOTAL TIME: 9100.2
ENGINE T-53-L-703
TSN 3406
3181F is an fully outfitted, well maintained short cabin ready for utility work. Includes upgrades Tracmap, Tamarack T53-L-703 engine, Tailboom Strake and Fast Fin, Dart Skid & Cross Tubes, Tailboom Motion Detection.
3181F Weight Balance
PRICE $1,350,000
Niki Greig
208-628-3133 Office or
208-305-3370 Cell

1965 UH-1F
N4040P/Serial #65-7911
Tamarack Type Certificate
Aircraft Type: UH-1F/1965 Model
UH-1F 1965 Model, N4040P /
Serial #65-7911
We are able to customize any of these helicopters to meet specific requirements concerning major components. Should it be necessary to replace or remove components to achieve a price that suits a budget, we are prepared to make those adjustments. We are open to offers on any of these aircraft.
Mitch Goodmanson
VP of Sales & Customer Support
My Direct Extension and Mobile/SMS is +1 (701) 478-9113

1962 UH-1B
N198HM/Serial #62-1996
Garlick Certificate
Aircraft Type: UH-1B/1962 Model
UH-1B 1962 Model, N198HM
Serial #62-1996
We are able to customize any of these helicopters to meet specific requirements concerning major components. Should it be necessary to replace or remove components to achieve a price that suits a budget, we are prepared to make those adjustments. We are open to offers on any of these aircraft.
Mitch Goodmanson
VP of Sales & Customer Support
My Direct Extension and Mobile/SMS is +1 (701) 478-9113
1964 UH-1H
SN# 64-13774
Component Sheet
Component Sheet 2
L5827 N. 41ST PLACE
PH# 602-485-9520

Super UH-1D
Donier Helicopters
Just a little history, these UH-1's were built under Bell Helicopter license by Dornier (Germany) for the German Armed Forces. They built a total of 352. The "D" in UH-1D stands for Deutsche/Dornier and is not related to the older model UH-1D. This aircraft is actually built closer to a Commercial 205. All the rotable parts (blades, heads, gearboxes, etc...) are OEM Bell Parts. The airframe is unique as the Germans eliminated almost all honeycomb panels on the fuselage and replaced them with aluminum panels which helped fixed the delamination problems and made the fuselage sturdier. All 4 Super Delta helicopters come with composite main rotor blades, new Van Horn Tail Rotor Blades, and all major components have mid-time life or better remaining.
These aircraft can only be used as Public use, Experimental, or Foreign Military and/or Foreign use (outside the U.S.).
Mat Rice
Rice Aircraft Services, Inc.
4509 Skyway Drive
Olivehurst, CA 95961
Off: (530) 741-2901
Cell: (530) 305-2665
Fax: (530) 645-0214
1970 UH-1H Project
This airframe is a 70 model with approximately 3600 hours TT only, very clean and stored indoors, it has its full history with military records and data plate intact also official release letter from the government.
It has not flown since being released by the Army and when I aquired it sat outdoors for a couple years before I could get it under cover into my workshop where it is currently now housed in climate control. Here are some following points;
1. Partially Stripped instrument panel
2. Stripped lower console
3. No known damage or issues (as released by GSA)
4. Brand new front cross tube installed
5. Includes the core transmission but will not come with the engine.
Not sure if the Fin Spar A/D was completed or not (would need to check the hard cards) but I can say that I have not noticed any additional data plate on the verticle fin spar so my guess is it had'nt been completed by the Army.
Located in Texas

1962 UH-1H-
Oldest on market
N 62-108
Marketed at the oldest UH-1H in the World. Loaned out to a veterans group, they did research and found this to be the oldest UH-1H. IT has complete military logs and a data plate. Good Airframe, no damage or corrosion just needs some TLC.
Make an offer.
Monte Schaper
Cal Rotors

Two UH-1s
For Sale in UK
Two UH-1s For Sale in UK
N250DM N338CB
SN 66-16114 66-1618
Hobbs 7416.0 5589.4
Component Sheet 1
Component Sheet 2
Component Sheet 3
Component Sheet 4
Component Sheet 5
Component Sheet 6
Karl Renz
American Patriot Helicopters, LLC
Phoenix, AZ